Jobs in Heavy machinery mechanic technical trades in Quebec

TonMétier post job offers in technical trades heavy machinery mechanic for the whole Quebec province. Apply now to get the technical trades employment you are looking for.

Build a career as an heavy machinery mechanic technician

Applicants with required skills and relevant specializations won’t face any difficulty finding a job corresponding to the technical trades career they desire. Many job offers for technicians are actually available for a job in heavy machinery mechanic technical trades. Vacant positions for junior, senior or managers are posted on TonMétier for all the technical trades fields.

Main agglomerations in the Quebec Province hiring for this job in heavy machinery mechanic technical trades

Several heavy machinery mechanic technical trades jobs only wait for you to be filled. Opportunities for an engineering job are available in these cities of the Quebec province:

Stationary machinery mechanic (MMF & MSS)

We are currently looking for a Fixed Machinery Mechanic (MMS & MSS) with 4A and/or 4B. Task description: Maintain and repair kettles and dryers; Carry out chemical analyses; Manage the water environment of the factory plan; All other related...

Aircraft mechanic

Under the supervision of the manager responsible for maintenance, the aircraft mechanical system maintenance technician performs checks and inspections according to the maintenance schedule. He also carries out the analysis and technical evaluation...


Présentation de l’entreprise Fondée en 2014, Foraspec inc., une filiale du Groupe Conseil UDA inc., compte sur une expertise pratique acquise au cours des 9 dernières années. Notre équipe se spécialise dans les forages pour les études...

Mécanicien(ne) - gros équipements

Description du poste Gestrago est constitué d'un regroupement d'entreprise. Solution Multi-Équipements, une des principales entreprises de ce regroupement, est spécialisé dans la location, la vente et la réparation d'une vaste gamme de petits et de...

Mécanicien(ne) - Petite mécanique

Gestrago est constitué d’un regroupement d’entreprises dont Solutions Multi-Équipements est le plus important locateur de machinerie lourde, d'équipement et d'outils dans les domaines de la construction, la rénovation et maintenance pour les...

Mechanical maintenance technician (mine)

BRH is proud partner in the recruitment of talents for Quebec iron ore. MFQ, a subsidiary of Iron champion, has the mandate to develop and exploit the ore of Lake Bloom in Fermont from a quality perspective , efficiency, sustainability and...